Dementia, way finding, missing persons,
aging in place, assistive technologies
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Noelannah Neubauer is a postdoctoral fellow in the School of Public Health and Health Systems at the University Waterloo under the supervision of Lili Liu. Neubauer completed her Bachelor of Human Kinetics (BHK) and MSc from University of British Columbia Okanagan in 2012 and 2014, and her PhD in Rehabilitation Science at the University of Alberta in August 2019. Her doctoral thesis focused on developing the Canadian Guideline for Safe Wandering which is presently being used across the country among Alzheimer Societies, health professionals, first responders, care partners and persons living with dementia. Neubauer’s developing research program focuses on the creation and implementation of policies and strategies to enable older adults to age in place. More recently, her research has focused on devising and advocating for solutions that balance risk and autonomy for persons with dementia that are at risk of getting lost and going missing. She is the co-founder of the International Consortium on Dementia and Wayfinding, the co-founder of OTech Canada, and co-chair of the Rapid Response Working Group through the Alzheimer Society of Ontario.