Missing persons, Arsons and serial crimes, Wrongful convictions, Sexual offending, Crime prevention and investigations
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Justine Collin-Santerre is a PhD Student in Criminology at the School of Criminology at Université de Montréal, Quebec, Canada. She received her BSc and MSc in Criminology from Université Laval (QC, Canada). Justine's thesis is on missing persons. She specializes in arson, criminal behaviour, latent class analysis, spatial analysis, environmental criminology, sexual offending, persistence of sexual behaviour, wrongful convictions, criminal decisions, police strategies and impacts, and, Aboriginals penal path. Her master's thesis aimed to identify non-serial and serial arsonists' crime scene and motivations, in collaboration with local and provincial police forces. Most of the research projects that she worked on aimed at developing better investigative practices and crime prevention. Her research topic has been published in peer-reviewed journals in her field and has been the subject of many local, national and international presentations. She is currently writing papers on missing persons, sexual offending, arsonists and wrongful convictions.